CI Introduction

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Wando, the Capital of the Clean Sea of Korea, is where GF Seaweve is.

CI Introduction

    CI Introduction

    01 Logo

    the Meaning and Philosophy of CI

    The Vision of Creation of Eco-Friendly Value and Resolving Food Crisis of Mankind,

    GF Seaweve Korean,English Logo
    [Korean] [English]
    GF Seaweve Mixed Logo

    02 Color

    Main Color
    Green Color Box
    Green Warmth that represents food and life
    • #768c24
    • C62 M38 Y100 K1
    • R118 G140 B36
    Brown Color Box
    Brown Coziness that represents the earth and human beings
    • #b98814
    • C36 M51 Y100 K0
    • R185 G136 B20
    Blue Color box
    Blue Seaweed, Seagrass,
    and the Sea
    • #005191
    • C94 M73 Y23 K0
    • R0 G81B145